Altogether Care Teams with the Warm Welcome Campaign to offer comfort to those in need
The weather is cold and Altogether Care are pleased to announce that we have opened up our office hubs in collaboration with the Warm Welcome Spaces campaign.
During the worst cost-of-living crisis in 70 years, the Warm Welcome Campaign emerged as a collective response to build a movement for a fairer and friendlier society by supporting warm and welcoming spaces in every community in the UK.

Join Us
Altogether Care is happy to be able to offer a Warm Welcome Space at our Care at Home offices across the South-West. Pop into our offices for a hot drink, soup, and a cake. Mostly importantly, why not call in for a chat? We have 14 offices in total from Southampton to Exeter.
Type your post code into the Warm Welcome page for a list of locations: Or, email us at:
Poverty can compound isolation and loneliness and prevent people from connecting with others. The dark evenings and cold winter months can be challenging for everyone, especially those who feel lonely and isolated, and anyone who can’t afford to keep heat their homes or get enough to eat.
By working together, Warm Welcome and Altogether Care will ensure everyone has somewhere warm and friendly to go. No one should be left to get through winter alone.
Over 14.4 million people live in poverty in the UK and over 7 million people experience chronic loneliness. Let’s work to bring people together.