Remaining in their own home is important for many older people. It’s where memories live, it’s filled with familiar things, and it’s close to friends, family and social activities.
Living in your own home represents independence. Even if everyday life isn’t as easy as it used to be, home is where you’d like to stay for as long as possible. According to a survey for the Homecare Association carried out just after the covid pandemic, over one third of older people would choose their own home as their preferred care setting.
The top reasons for preferring care at home included: ‘the ability to live the way that I want’ (64%); ‘how much control I would have’ (54%) and ‘the effect on my relationship with family and friends’ (53%).
Other people would have residential care as their preferred option. And that’s key point – it’s all about individual preferences and freedom of choice.
For those who prefer to stay in their own home, care at home and live-in care are valued options that provide the help you need while maintaining your cherished independence.
Care At Home
Care at Home is a popular choice. It’s highly flexible in terms of the number of hours and the type of support provided. Some people need help with issues such as bathing and personal hygiene, and for others it’s routine tasks like shopping, cleaning and cooking.
Live-In Care
Some older people have more acute care needs that maybe can’t be met by a carer calling in periodically. Or perhaps they want some companionship while remaining at home.
Live-in care can meet all of these needs. As the name suggests, it involves the carer living in your home so that help and support is always on hand.
Care choices are important decisions. If you have any questions about the options available and what might suit you best, the team at Altogether Care will always be happy to help.
Contact us for a friendly no-obligation chat to find out more.