
9 October 2024

Showing Our Support for Breast Cancer Awareness

Breast cancer touches nearly all of us in one way or another. Just about everyone has a relative, friend or work colleague who has been affected. This includes direct experience among our colleagues here at Altogether Care.

Breast Cancer Awareness Month is a cause close to our hearts and we want to show solidarity with a worthy and essential campaign. It supports people with breast cancer and their families and helps raise awareness of screening programmes, potential symptoms and the importance of seeking medical help as quickly as possible.

Every Statistic Bears a Human Story

It’s easy to get lost in the numbers. Every day, over 150 people in the UK will receive the devastating news of a breast cancer diagnosis. That’s around 56,000 new cases each year. We never forget that behind the statistics are countless human stories of anxiety, lives turned upside-down, tragedy and, sometimes, triumph.

To put this even further into perspective, according to Breast Cancer UK a woman born after 1960 will have a one in seven lifetime risk of developing breast cancer.

Thankfully, mortality rates have decreased by 41% since the 1970s. Yet breast cancer is still the 2nd most common cause of cancer death in women. In 2022 breast cancer was the most common cause of death for women between 35-49 and 50-64 years of age. There’s still plenty to do.

A More Positive Future

The good news is that mortality rates will continue to fall over the next few years. Better scientific knowledge and new treatments will be a factor in this. Fewer avoidable deaths also relies on greater awareness, screening and early intervention.

This is why Breast Cancer Awareness Month 2024 is so valuable. It’s raising funds for research and increasing awareness. We know that the earlier cancer is detected and treated, the better the chance of survival.

So please do this for yourself and those you love: learn how to check your breasts for possible signs of cancer, go for screening when invited, and see your doctor immediately you find anything suspicious.

And if you want to be part of the Breast Cancer Awareness campaign you can sign up and get your fundraising pack here.

Some recent day to day activities