How it works
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Is the service right for you?
Whether you come to us directly or you’re referred to us by social care and health staff, you can be confident that your personal information will be dealt with sensitively and treated with the strictest confidence.
Before we start providing any care services, we want to get to know you. We’ll arrange a talk with you and your carer, as well as any social care and health staff if necessary. Your individual needs will be identified and we will listen to any queries or concerns that you have. You can be sure that the services we plan to provide are right for you.
Meeting your needs
Your needs will regularly be reviewed and discussed with you and those around you.
This ensures that you continue to enjoy your life with the very best care support – for now and for the future.

Better informed
Stay informed and keep up to date with all the changes in care.
Our resource centre is designed for people wanting to dig deeper in to Care, what’s going on, exploring funding opportunities, trying to make descions on the most suitable care.
And get your Free guide to care options.