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There When You Need us Most
Just like trusted friends and family, we’re there for you when you need us most. Our care at home team want to make life as easy as possible for you and your family, which is why we provide care at the times you choose.
Care at home services include a range of specialist options to offer you more choice.
Care Options
High dependency care offers you the chance to return home early from hospital when you no longer need hospital care but still need physical assistance. This could be because of a serious medical condition, long term disability or illness, or post-operative or post trauma care requiring close monitoring.
When you’re caring for someone with dementia it’s often easy to ignore your own needs. Our experienced dementia care trained carers can stand in for a while if you need to work or look after your own health and wellbeing. We can also offer permanent care for your loved one if you’re no longer able to do so.
Learning disability care is available for those with significantly reduced ability to cope independently, such as those living in housing options in the community who need help and care from a specially trained care worker.
If you need help with daily activities such as going to the toilet and personal hygiene, our highly trained care workers will make sure that you don’t feel self-conscious. Your needs will be responded to with great sensitivity.
We can help you to live an independent, active and healthy life by assisting you with things such as household cleaning, washing and ironing, shopping, cooking and collecting pensions. We also provide a transport and escort service for medical appointments, day care attendance, and general outings.
Short term practical and emotional support ensures your return home from hospital is a happy and stress free one. Support includes turning on your heating, making your bed, and stocking your fridge. You don’t have to worry about not being ready to be alone – we’ll continue to care for you until you’re well enough to manage independently again.
Our personal assistant service helps you find and employ a person to give you a hand with a range of daily tasks, duties, and responsibilities that you frequently undertake. Your personal assistant will soon become a good friend who can also accompany you to social activities.
Help to regain your skills, confidence, and independence after an accident or poor health. Our activity therapy will help you lead a more productive, active and full life by engaging in hobbies and leisure activities of your choice.

Better informed
Stay informed and keep up to date with all the changes in care.
Our resource centre is designed for people wanting to dig deeper in to Care, what’s going on, exploring funding opportunities, trying to make descions on the most suitable care.
And get your Free guide to care options.