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Helping you maintain your independence
Live-in care offers a modern, flexible care solution to care. It combines personalised care plans and companionship in the comfort of your own home. Embracing your core needs, housekeeping and companionship, it provides a direct alternative to residential care – so you can maintain a sense of independence and control in the environment where you feel most at ease.
The service is adaptable to suit your individual needs, enabling you to make your own choices, matching your care to your needs and wishes.
Live in care provides many benefits
The range of benefits available with live-in care includes companionship, security, familiarity, flexibility, help with shopping, help with travel, domestic help, and one-to-one care.
Specific live-in care services
High dependency care
High dependency Care offers you the chance to return home early from the hospital when you no longer need hospital care but still require physical assistance, have a serious medical condition, or have a long term disability and/or illness, and need post-operative or post-trauma care requiring close observation 24 hours a day, with ready access to qualified and experienced community-based staff.
End of life care
Being comfortable in your own home towards the end of your life is vitally important. By providing a programme of palliative care tailored to your individual requirements, our specially trained carers can help and support you and your family in ensuring that you remain comfortable when it matters the most. If you would like further information about our Live-in care service please contact us.

Better informed
Stay informed and keep up to date with all the changes in care.
Our resource centre is designed for people wanting to dig deeper in to Care, what’s going on, exploring funding opportunities, trying to make descions on the most suitable care.
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