
Chloe May at Weymouth Care Home

Local singer Chloe May visited residents at Weymouth Care Home once again to sing, dance and play a variety of songs which encourage everyone to join in and sing along to their favourite tunes.

Chloe is a regular at the home and is familiar with artists such as Vera Lynn and Elvis Presley.

The residents enjoyed Chloe’s performance and look forward to her visiting again soon.

Harvest at Steepleton Manor

Harvest Festival was a grand affair at Steepleton Manor this autumn with local vicar, Jean Saddington who joined residents in singing traditional hymns.

Chef Nick made and served traditional wheatsheaf bread and all vegetables served were home grown in the gardens.

Mental Wellbeing – We All Deserve the Fullest Life Possible

According to the British Council for Counselling and Psychotherapy, 22% of men and 28% of women aged over 65, experience depression. Mental wellbeing for the older generation is a serious issue that doesn’t always get the attention it should.

For most, this stage of life should be a period of contentment, free of the pressures of work, with plenty of time to do what you want and enjoy. Often, the reality is different. Without a sense of mental wellbeing, many opportunities to lead a full and satisfying later life become closed off.

Isolation is one of the biggest risks. Lack of social interaction is highly detrimental to mental wellbeing. In a residential care setting this is something that can be easily monitored. We would always know if people were becoming withdrawn and we’d spot the tell-tale behavioural changes that go with increasing isolation or deteriorating mental health.

The need for social interaction is addressed through activities designed around residents’ interests. These offer different experiences and opportunities to interact with people both within and outside the care home community.

When people receive home care support, care workers have a vital role in watching out for signs of poor mental health and social isolation.

Whatever the care setting, care providers need to work closely with health services to promote healthy mental wellbeing and ensure the necessary support or therapy is provided. There is no stage in life when simply sitting and watching the world go by is the best thing. Giving people the support they need to continue living as full and active a life as possible is the least they deserve.

Naturally, mental wellbeing is closely interlinked with both physical and emotional wellbeing and we’ll look at these aspects in future articles.

Paint Pals at Steepleton Manor

Residents at Steepleton Manor have started their own ‘paint pals’ class which takes place each week in partnership with Portesham CEVA Primary School.

Pupils and residents send pictures that they have created, and share comments of how each weeks’ pictures make them feel. The pictures create a variety of emotions, with residents getting to choose their favourites from all the different pictures the primary school pupils create.

Seven Pups Steal Hearts at Care Home

Seven eight week old Terrier Cross Puppies have stolen the hearts of residents at Sherborne House Care Home in Yeovil.  Amy Trowbridge-smith, who works at the care home owns the seven puppies and was having difficulty deciding on names so she took them to meet the residents who suggested suitable names for them after a play session with the three boys and four girls.

Treacle, Sky, Bella, Marley, Patch Nunock and Magic have all found loving homes and enjoyed their visit to meet the residents for a play session.

The puppies were an ideal tonic for the residents who always enjoy meeting animals, birds and any other friendly guests that visit.

Employees of the Month – September

We are delighted to share September’s Employees of the Month for our care homes. Each month, care home managers at Sherborne House, Steepleton Manor and Weymouth Care Home will hand pick team members who demonstrate a passion for their role and go above and beyond to provide excellent standard of care and support to residents.

Our Employees of the Month for September are:

Steepleton Manor

Kate Mauger

Kate is Steepleton Manor’s Employee of the Month. Kate has worked hard throughout the month and everyone at the home can always depend on her. Kate is an efficient, punctual staff member who has great attention to detail and always has time in her day to chat to the residents.

Sherborne House

Natasha Curr

Natasha has been nominated as Sherborne House’s Employee of the Month. Natasha always has a smile on her face, and nothing is ever a bother.  Our residents have nothing but praise for how amazing she is.

Weymouth Care Home 


Employee of the Month for Weymouth Care Home, Jackie has managed exceptionally well in the absence of her colleague. Jackie keeps the home’s domestic team organised and Weymouth Care Home clean and tidy.

Congratulations to all of our Employees of the Month!

Floral Tributes brighten lives of residents

Staff and residents would like to thank the families of the late Mrs Yeatman and Mr Sewell for the beautiful flowers which were kindly donated to the care home.

Both Mrs Yeatman and Mr Sewell will be much missed and remembered by all who knew them at Steepleton Manor.  Their families wanted their floral tributes to remain at the care home to add some colour and cheer for residents, staff and visitors to the care home.

Puppy Love at Sherborne House

Residents at Sherborne House fell in love with a cute and friendly puppy who belongs to one of the staff members when he visited recently.

One of a litter of seven, the little Jack Russell Terrier cross pup was an ideal lap companion for both residents and staff.  It was smiles all round thanks to the tiny bundle of fur!

Employees of the Month – August

We are delighted to share August’s Employees of the Month for our care homes. Each month, care home managers at Sherborne House, Steepleton Manor and Weymouth Care Home will hand pick team members who demonstrate a passion for their role and go above and beyond to provide excellent standard of care and support to residents.

Our Employees of the Month for August are:

Steepleton Manor

Adriana Banceanu – Senior Register Nurse

Adriana has been nominated as Steepleton Manor’s Employee of the Month for her determination, hard work, and effectiveness. She never hesitates to take on any challenge or difficult task, and always maintains a very positive and friendly attitude towards all.

Sherborne House

Adam Plunkett – 2nd Chef

Adam has worked for Altogether Care for the past 3 years, and was originally employed as a kitchen Assistant. Recently promoted to 2nd Chef, Adam is this month’s Employee of the Month for Sherborne House. Adam produces a high standard of cooking for all the residents, taking into account their likes and dislikes.

When Sherborne House’s head chef was away on annual leave, Adam coped exceptionally well. He was present on the day environmental health conducted their yearly unannounced inspection and helped ensure that Sherborne House maintains their 5 star hygiene rating.

Weymouth Care Home

Poppy Macnair – Kitchen Assistant

Poppy is the Employee of the Month for Weymouth Care Home. Poppy always has a radiant smile and always goes above and beyond to help all of her colleagues. Residents enjoy her lovely manner when she spends any spare time chatting with them or making drinks. She is a genuine asset to the team at Weymouth Care Home.

100 Years Happy!

Steepleton Manor resident Daphne Morrison celebrated being 100 years old on 7th May and enjoyed a special party alongside family and friends.

Born on 7th May 1917 in Guernsey she later moved to London to work as a school teacher. Daphne has two sons and a daughter and a number of grandchildren.  Her love of books continues to this day and she reads on average around 25 books a month. Her favourite being thrillers.

Around 40 people attended Daphne’s party complete with a live jazz band and buffet. In addition to having a special cake, flowers and lots of cards she received a telegram from Her Majesty, The Queen.

Photo: Daphne Morrison (centre) with Brian Westlake (right), Lazlo Bartus (left) and Peter (Daphne’s Son), centre back.

Happy Birthday to West Moors

Care at Home’s West Moors Office marked their first birthday this month.

Celebrations took place last week with tea and cake to mark the occasion.

Clients came to join the office staff for the celebrations and everyone enjoyed a chat over a cup of tea and some delicious home-made cake! Here’s to many more birthday celebrations to come.


Why Sherborne House?

Making the decision to put your loved one into a care home is never going to be easy. There are many things to consider and weigh up before you can even begin looking at potential care homes. How much will it cost, how will we fund it, what care do they require, where is best to be located – and the list goes on. So what makes a care home individual and well catered for your loved one? This is likely to depend on your and their priorities, but having well trained caring staff, located in a homely well equipped environment, with a range of stimulating and life enriching experiences to enjoy – might begin to look like an option for consideration.

Sherborne House was created with residents in mind. Specialising in Dementia with a newly opened dedicated nursing care wing, the home is furnished and decorated for you to feel at home and at ease, but also with Dementia in mind, sensory touches and memory triggers have been incorporated that research has shown really benefits the cognitive process. Sherborne House is uniquely set-up to provide the highest standard of physical, emotional and mental care available with a sensitive and supporting approach – never patronising, but always encouraging.

Keeping your loved one stimulated and continuing to provide life enriching experiences are also a priority for Sherborne House.  A daily activities programme is designed around our residents, with opportunities to get to know other residents better, activities include mental and physical stimulation – and a change of scenery with seaside trips and visits to places of local interest. Where required, we also call upon various alternative therapies such as; physiotherapy, reflexology Reiki and aromatherapy to complement residents care needs.

At the start of May we opened our new nursing wing at Sherborne House, this features spacious living areas and access to landscaped gardens to enhance resident’s facilities inside and outside.  We are accepting new residents for this wing now.  So why not come and visit us to take a look for yourselves at the facilities Sherborne House has to offer? To arrange a visit please contact us on 01935 423210.

We understand how difficult it can be to organise financing your loved ones care, so to make the process easier we have put together some guidance outlining the current Government arrangements for the assessment process and funding towards care home fees, you can take a look at this guidance here. To find out more about Sherborne House or our other selection of care options please visit our website.

Marion turns 97

Celebrations took place at Sherborne House last week when resident Marion Percy celebrated her 97th birthday on the 2nd May.

Marion received a special cake- and a visit from an ice cream van!

Marion enjoyed celebrating with her friends at Sherborne House who were delighted to be part of her special day.

Planning for the future

As we age, we understand that our needs are going to change and our circumstances will change with this but when it comes to that time, the emotional impact of all these changes can hugely affect our outlook, personality and health. Many individuals will experience the downsizing of space and boxes – after living in a good sized family home, which is then reduced to a small bungalow or flat and then downsized again to fit within a room in a care home. This can be difficult to deal with; changing your environment, in some cases sharing your environment for the first time and accepting that you now need assistance.

So when it comes to choosing the right care home or nursing home it is likely to be a very difficult decision.

What to consider when choosing a care home?

There are many things to consider, ask and check when looking into care homes. Everybody will have different priorities, but some considerations are likely to include:

• The type of care required for your loved one, can it be provided at this care home?
• The cost of the care home?
• Does the home offer stimulating activities and common living areas for social interaction?
• Can all your food and dietary requirements be met?
• Is there enough room to make the space your own, with possessions?
• Do you have easy access to services, such as GP’s, hairdressers, opticians etc?

How can the transition to a care home be eased?

Having a mixture of homely private space, spacious shared environments and the escape of outside facilities will provide the options of finding a space that suits an individual best – making this transition easier. Some will be excited by the prospect of sharing environments with others and having new company, others will find this initially overwhelming, craving private space instead.

Staff within any home should encourage all residents to continue living and enjoying life in their new home, whether that is keeping up a hobby, socialising with other residents, or keeping active with a range of activities and events. The more ‘normal’ the home can feel, the easier the transition is, leading to more relaxed residents.

The person-centred approach

At Altogether Care we see the person first not the age. We call it ‘person-centered care’. Our range of care options are based around best fitting your needs, to encourage you to continue living the life you love, just with the assistance you now need.

With this in mind, we have recently completed a major refurbishment and extension to Sherborne House. This brand new extension wing offers nursing care alongside the current Dementia care that we already offer at Sherborne House. This home features spacious living areas and access to landscaped gardens to enhance resident’s facilities inside and out.  To find out more about Sherborne House visit our website, or for more information on how to reserve a room within the new wing opening on May 1st contact us on 01935 423210.

Mad Hatters!

Residents and staff at Steepleton Manor Care Home enjoyed a Mad Hatter’s Tea Party and spent an afternoon making and decorating hats using cardboard templates, with feathers, pom-poms, pipe cleaners, ribbons, paint, stickers, jewels and buttons.

Home-made jam tarts went down well and residents helped staff decorate the hall with large tissue paper pom-poms, balloons, bunting and posters the residents had coloured, as well as some quotes from Lewis Carroll’s ‘Alice in Wonderland’.

A table was also decorated in a suitable style for a ‘Mad Hatter’s type of tea party – with a chess board in the middle of the table, daffodils, pinwheels, a white rabbit and an array of teapots and cups and saucers.
For the tea party, everyone enjoyed being entertained with some card tricks by one of the residents, Peter Bentley, and had a go at ‘pin the grin on the Cheshire Cat’. Special name labels with ‘nonsensical names’ (names backwards), were worn to add to the occasion.

Testimonial letter

We recently received a testimonial letter from the family of one of our Sherborne House residents who recently passed away – we are so happy to hear that our staff made such a difference to Doris’ life. Thank you to the family of Doris Britton for such kind words.

On behalf of the family of Doris Britton, We would like to express our gratification to Sherborne House Care Home, Yeovil. Once we as a family accepted that Mum/Nan was unable to return home after a long stay in Hospital, we were able to see the positives to this environment and how this Care Home could meet the individual needs of our beloved Mum/Nan.

The professional Care started at the assessment stage, where the Care Home took time to consider if their environment was the most appropriate to meet Mum/Nan’s needs.

Thankfully for us, this Care Home was felt to be a suitable match.

Mum/Nan transferred to Sherborne House Care Home and on her arrival the staff had already supported in preparing her room, making sure this was a welcoming place for her to spend time, a room which could be described as Home from Home.

Sadly for us, Mum/Nan quickly became unwell, meaning she was classed as End of Life. This proving to be a sad time for the family, however, this time was made more bearable with the care and support we as a Family witnessed for our Mum/Nan and also for us as her Family.

During this time, Family spent time within the home 24/7. All family members were made to feel comfortable and welcomed. A bedroom was provided for us to allow us a space to rest, sleep and gather our thoughts, this room was available for the duration of the time Family were at Mum/ Nan’s bedside. This amounted to 7 days in total. During this time refreshments were frequently offered and provided.

Mum/Nan received excellent personal care and all elements were documented in the appropriate way. This resulting in Mum/Nan being comfortable and having her personal care needs met.

What quickly became apparent was the knowledge all staff have in regards to all aspects of the care sector. Whenever questions were asked, the responses were always clearly explained, leaving us with an understanding of the situation.

The atmosphere within this home is very welcoming and this is down to the staff being able to work effectively as a team. Staff members support each other and embrace their roles showing a passion for their jobs.

Care staff knew when to report concerns to the Nurse in Charge and Mum/Nan was promptly seen, the situation assessed and dealt with effectively at all times.
The Manager, Caroline showed us she is hands on in providing the care, as well as effectively managing the Home.

Nothing was too much trouble for any of the staff, they all frequently went above and beyond and often asking how we as a Family are coping and feeling.
The Home registered Mum/Nan with an excellent compassionate GP, Dr Steven Wood and made contact with the Vicar to visit. Pets were also welcomed.

Staff members sat with Mum/Nan to ensure she was not alone and all said Goodbye to her, even shedding a tear, as they saw Mum/Nan as part of their extended family.

Sherborne House Care Home recommended AJ Wakely &Sons (Sherborne) as the Funeral Director. We would like to thank them for the Care and Love they have shown to Mum/Nan and the Family. They are a very professional company with compassion and empathy.

Finally, we as a family would like to thank everyone at Sherborne House Care Home for the love, support and Care our wonderful Mum/Nan received and for how you made us feel welcomed and valued throughout this difficult time.

Your love, support, and compassion throughout was very much appreciated and always will be.

-The Family of Doris Britton.

Dorchester Dancers are fantastic!

Residents and staff at Steepleton Manor Care Home were treated to a special dance performance when Dorchester Ballet and Dance Club visited in late March.  The dancers aged from six to sixteen performed a variety of routines including ballet, tap and modern.

A packed audience including the dance teachers, parents of the dancers, residents and staff clapped and cheered and are hoping for a repeat performance soon.

Dorchester Ballet and Dance was founded in 1958 by Ann Hannay and Elizabeth Goodchild MBE, who wanted to “make dance available to all, regardless of age, wealth or ability”. Dorchester Ballet and Dance are a family-friendly not for profit organisation committed to providing dance classes for children and adults at an affordable price and maintaining standards of excellence in teaching for dancers of all abilities.

Altogether Care expands its high street presence

We have received a positive response to the opening of our three latest Care at Home offices in West Moors, Poole and Yeovil.

Our ‘Care at Home’ branches offer local people an opportunity to explore and arrange care services for their loved ones by popping into see our specialist staff, who can assist in arranging a wide spectrum of care services for people who wish to remain in their own home but may require regular assistance.

We have been astonished by the high take-up of our care service and the high degree of customer satisfaction and happiness. This, we believe, is due to the scope and reliability of our local service for local people and its pick and mix characteristics. The engagement of our staff and their commitment to providing the best service is so rewarding and exciting to be part of. Care at Home is an important part of the local health and social care infrastructure, and for many people it provides a lifeline and a chance to remain safe at home for longer.

Mara Celebrates 90th Birthday

Mara McGregor celebrated her 90th birthday recently at Steepleton Manor Care Home. On her birthday she was presented with a chocolate cake, a bunch of roses and a plant and card signed by all staff. She also enjoyed listening to a live harp and flute music performance.

Born on 10th March 1927, Mara – Marigold McGregor, was born in Penang, a small island close to Malaysia. She grew up in Africa and met her husband in East Africa. They moved to England in 1950 and have two daughters and a son.

She worked as a portrait artist and was privileged to Paint the Queen Mother, the Queen, Prince Charles and Princess Anne in live settings. She later took an interest in painting animals and has painted some famous racehorses and went on a wildlife tour to Africa with David Shepherd.

Mara came to live at Steepleton Manor in 2012 and is a much-loved resident.

St. Patrick’s Day unites care home residents

Weymouth Care Home, Steepleton Manor, and Sherborne House united last week and joined forces on St Patrick’s Day to celebrate all things Irish.

Residents and staff from all three care homes enjoyed live Irish music as Accordionist Louise Dukes led the way with Irish tunes such as ‘Danny Boy’, ‘Molly Malone’ and ‘The Galway Shawl’, and residents enjoyed making Shamrock shaped collages. Over 35 people clapped and sung along to old Irish favourites such as ‘Edelweiss’ and ‘It’s a long way to Tipperary’.

Irish flags, balloons and decorations were put up especially for the day. All staff and residents thoroughly enjoyed the celebrations!